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Poljanska Sora [RD Žiri] |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
On Sunday, June 15, I was delighted to meet fellow board-member and master bamboo rod-maker “Ras”. We showed each other some of our rods and engaged in a nice conversation about rod-making and fishing with split-cane rods. I was really impressed with the quality and beauty of the rods that “Ras” builds in Nova Gorica and I warmly suggest to everybody here to contact him if you ever wish to sample a fine bamboo rod. We could have gone on talking for hours, but it was almost time to hit the water, so we decided to move to the Poljanska Sora near Ziri. It was the first rain-less day of my 2008 trip to Slovenia, and it was a real pleasure to fish in short sleeves and get rid of the rain-jacket ! The river was really packed with tons of colourful browns and nice grayling, and we landed plenty of fish until dark. Even if we didn’t catch anything over 35 cm, when we made it back to the car we were almost sick of hooking, playing and releasing fish after fish ! Thank you “Ras” for the great time we shared on the water and for the beautiful pictures that you took on the Sora. Tight Lines ! |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
... more pictures from the Sora river. Tight Lines ! |
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ras |
Registered Member #86
Joined: Sunday 09 April 2006 - 19:45:30Posts: 38 |
Hey "Dickerson", I must thank you first for the "master bamboo rod-maker “. It is really very pleasant to show my rods to someone who can understand the "soul" of a nice made bamboo flyrod.... After seeing your collection of bamboo rods I was in "seventh heaven"!!!! Just holding in hand rods made by Lyle Dickerson and Jim Payne was the "ecstasy" for me... We were very lucky to choose the river Sora near Ziri for our fishing destination.. I didn't count how many fish I caught but I did count how many fish you landed... I'm not very good in mathematics but the number of medium sized brown trout, graylings and rare rainbows was around 100!!! At least!! You are really a good fly fisherman..., and a nice person too!! Thank you for a nice fishing day!! r |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
Hey “Ras”, pretty soon one of your fine fishing instruments will be sitting next to those made a long time ago by your “colleagues” Jim and Lyle in my rod rack, and the “old ladies” will tell lots of nice fishing stories to their new, young friend ! As far as the Poljanska Sora is concerned, the river is a very a fertile environment that produces an abundance of insects, and it’s really full of fish. But from what I can read on the R.D. Ziri fishing licence, the daily bag limit is 3 browns + 3 rainbows + 3 grayling. The grand total is 9 salmonids ! IMHO with more severe regulations the fishing would certainly be a hundred times better, and the average size of the fish would be the equal of any other famous Slovenian destination. [ Edited Thursday 03 July 2008 - 19:26:13 ] Tight Lines ! |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
The Sora river browns are wild, beautiful fish, and they should be able to grow larger than this ! Tight Lines ! |
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ras |
Registered Member #86
Joined: Sunday 09 April 2006 - 19:45:30Posts: 38 |
This is unbelievable!!!! Nine fish a day!!! You are right Enrico, this is written on the fishing permit of the RD Ziri!!! But,...I think the intention of the people in the RD Ziri was to write on the permit that the total amount of fish taken on the fishing day is three pieces!!! Mistakes like this in this case are intolerable and inadmissible!!! I will try to contact the RD Ziri and make a protest!!! r [ Edited Thursday 03 July 2008 - 21:42:50 ] |
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luckyluke |
Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50Posts: 2578 |
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your reports with beautiful photos! It looks like you spent a really nice day at the Poljanska Sora river which is a true fly fishing paradise with marvelous brownies and graylings. And I completely agree with you regarding the "daily bag" part of the RD Ziri fishing licence. I hope our friends from Ziri Fishing Club read this and that they are going to correct this clumsy formulation of text as soon as possible. Tight lines and best regards, Lucky p.s.: ras, I reduced a pics size a bit, so they fit into the forum borders [ Edited Thursday 03 July 2008 - 21:45:49 ] |
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fishman |
Registered Member #70
Joined: Wednesday 01 February 2006 - 17:44:30Posts: 303 |
Pozdravljeni, Hja očitno je formulacija na karti res malo nerodna, verjetno so mislili na maximalen ulov 3 salmonidov skupno . Je pa Poljanska Sora res pravi biser in ribolov na njej nepozaben. Sem pa tudi sam ugotovil da je lipana res ogromno, vendar je takih ki so večji od 40 cm malo ogromno pa jih zraste tja do 35, kar se potočnih postrvi tiče jih je tudi v izobilju, najdejo se tudi večje od 40cm, pa tudi šarenke zrastejo precej konkretne Ribolov na Sori vam toplo priporočam. PS: če boste ribe uplenili naj bodo to maximalno trije salmonidi LP in [ Edited Friday 04 July 2008 - 08:04:52 ] povezava [link] |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
This is a great initiative ! "LuckyLuke" and "Ras", I sincerely hope that your efforts will be rewarded, and that the R.D. Ziri will soon sort this out and make everything clear. I also wish that next year they will increase their minimum measures, since I believe that 26 cm. for the brown trout and 30 cm. for the grayling are very low standards and this is probably the main reason of the small average size of the fish we caught on June 15. Introducing a 5-6 kilometers long catch and release area in 2009 wouldn't hurt either ! Tight Lines ! |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
... I wonder how many grayling just above the 30 cm. mark like the one in this picture are released these days in the Sora, allowing them to grow as big as their Soca and Unica cousins and to spawn for more than one "love season" ... Tight Lines ! |
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fishman |
Registered Member #70
Joined: Wednesday 01 February 2006 - 17:44:30Posts: 303 |
Nekaj slikic s Sore 26.09.08 (klikni za večjo sliko): [ Edited Thursday 02 October 2008 - 08:27:43 ] povezava [link] |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
Bravo "fishman", Nice pictures of a largely underrated Slovenian river. Tight Lines ! |
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s52vk |
Registered Member #20
Joined: Friday 29 April 2005 - 12:13:56Posts: 416 |
Yes Sora-Žiri is very beautiful river. I had realy good fishing on brown trouts trough the season. A saw some big trouts. Nice pictures [ Edited Thursday 02 October 2008 - 19:46:58 ] Dober prijem in ujemi spusti |
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luckyluke |
Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50Posts: 2578 |
Hej fishman, čudovite fotke! Ja, pri tebi je Sora še posebej dobro zapisana kaj? Hvala za objavo in lep muharski pozdrav, Lucky |
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elpadre |
Registered Member #264
Joined: Thursday 27 March 2008 - 17:58:38Posts: 38 |
Pozdravljeni Včeraj mi je uspelo obiskati to prelepo rečico in vam povem da je ribolov na njej božanski.Ujame se potočko .šarenko in lipana.Opazil sem pa tudi dva sulca tako, da je voda res polna življenja.Sora hvala ti in upam da boš ostala taka in še se vrnem. Predvsem pa pohvale RD Žiri za odlično urejanje z vodo. še nekaj slikic elpadre |
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Stric Matic |
Registered Member #69
Joined: Sunday 29 January 2006 - 09:51:04Posts: 203 |
Danes si lovil, je lipan lepo delal ? Jutri ima RD Žiri čistilno akcijo in kasneje še skupni lov samo za info, da ne bo kdo začuden zakaj je gneča Lep pozdrav in vabljeni tudi v svet vijačenja - |
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elpadre |
Registered Member #264
Joined: Thursday 27 March 2008 - 17:58:38Posts: 38 |
Ojla ja lipan je kar lepo delal tako na potopke kot na suho.Ga je pa številno ravno prav lp elpadre |
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Stric Matic |
Registered Member #69
Joined: Sunday 29 January 2006 - 09:51:04Posts: 203 |
Sem tudi sam lovil dopoldne včeraj, bilo je prav fantastično, lovil sem samo s suho in se tudi dobro nalovil.
Lep pozdrav in vabljeni tudi v svet vijačenja - |
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fujitsu |
Registered Member #171
Joined: Thursday 07 June 2007 - 12:17:40Posts: 15 |
Mi lahko kdo pove, kako je pri Rd Žiri s članstvom? Lahko preko zasebne pošte. Hvala! | ||
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luckyluke |
Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50Posts: 2578 |
Uf elpadre, krasne ribe! Sploh potočka je izredno lepa! Čestitke Hvala za reportažo in lep muharski pozdrav, Lucky |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
Bravo "elpadre" The more I look at it, the more I believe that the Sora river has a very high fish potential, and definitely deserves a more C&R oriented regulation. Tight Lines ! |
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njolo |
Registered Member #149
Joined: Friday 23 March 2007 - 07:45:18Posts: 386 |
Pozdravljeni! V sobota sva z Anselmom prvič obiskala to zanimivo rečico. Začela sva sredi dopoldneva dokaj visoko na začetku revirja. Name je močan vtis naredilo dno reke, v gornjem delu so namreč skale v večini rdeče obarvane in dno je ob sončnem vremenu povsem drugačne barve kot smo jih sicer vajeni...Rib je v gornjem delu res veliko, so pa bile zaradi nizke in čite vode zelo plašne. Videti je bilo moč veliko potočnic, lipana, klenov in mreničov. Kmalu so sledili tudi prvi prijemi, dokaj plašni in nežni a pogosti. V Globjem tomunu je Ansemo zagledal sulca 70+ in me nanj opozoril. Sam sem mu posvetil z marabujem a ni bil pri volji. V tem istem tomunu pa sem med metom tik pod veje ob nasprotnem bregu doživel najlepše ta dan. Potezanka pade v vodo v skoraj nemogoč kotiček med veje. Prvi poteg in vse skupaj se ustavi. Evo pa sem v vejah pomislim! in naenkrat so veje oživele in potegnile v globino, Anselmo je že pripravil fotoaprat sam pa sem mrcino zvelekel in globine kjer sem nam je prikazala čudovita potočnica 50 + . Ko sem jo privlekel do roke sem jo s pomočjo "moje silne spretnosti" uspel osvoboditi še predn bi lahko pozirala skupaj z srečnim ribičem. Škoda. Sledi pavza za kosilo in selitev. Ponovno v vodo zabredeva nekoliko niže in se še par kart prestaviva niže proti koncu revirja kjer sva pa nekoliko razočarana, saj je rib precej manj, voda pa se nam ne zdi ravno najčistejša, zato se na večerni skok ponovno pomakneva više. Med večernim skokom še plohca in meglica, ki ga nekoliko pokvarijo a skok vseeno soliden. Suma sumarum, voda z veliko rib, ogromno lipana. Res je, da se na liniji običajno znajdejo ribe majših dimenzij a teh je res tudi večje včasih a to je že druga zgodba. dopoldanska meglica Je že bla gor! (pogosta fraza ta dan) prve pikice in lipani... |
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njolo |
Registered Member #149
Joined: Friday 23 March 2007 - 07:45:18Posts: 386 |
in... zanimivo dno... eden mnogih lipanov |
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njolo |
Registered Member #149
Joined: Friday 23 March 2007 - 07:45:18Posts: 386 |
Anselmo nad prelivom še malo pikic "Najboljša ribica je svinjska!" In še par popoldanskih Lep pozdrav in dober prijem vsem. |
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dickerson |
Registered Member #283
Joined: Monday 05 May 2008 - 18:59:37Posts: 266 |
Thank you "njolo" for the beautiful pictures I did't fish the Sora in June, but I'm looking forward to return to Ziri next year. ... by the way, I still think that the Sora fish should be more protected by the river regulations in order to reach bigger sizes! Tight Lines ! |
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njolo |
Registered Member #149
Joined: Friday 23 March 2007 - 07:45:18Posts: 386 |
Hey Dickerson I agree with you about the protection. I was surprised how many litlle graylings and browns are present in the river and how rare are them large collegues. Ah well, another thing Dickerson, next year when you are comming in Slovenia do not bring the rain with you like this year... joke! |
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luckyluke |
Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50Posts: 2578 |
Hej njolo! Čudovite fotke in super reportaža! He he, svinjska ribica ja Je teknilo ne? A, seveda ti čestitam za 300. objavo na forumu! Lep muharski pozdrav, Lucky |
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fishman |
Registered Member #70
Joined: Wednesday 01 February 2006 - 17:44:30Posts: 303 |
Fotoreportaža iz Sore, kljub nizkemu vodostaju se je krasno lovilo, ker pa slike povedo največ,... povezava [link] |
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igor |
Registered Member #122
Joined: Monday 06 November 2006 - 17:22:31Posts: 53 |
Zdravo, članek sicer ne sodi čisto v to nitje, ker gre za RD Visoko, je pa posnet na Poljanski Sori in se nanaša na letošnje poletje (avgust). Kralj voda na ličinko Res lepa narava, ki jo je pa malo motil vonj (tega ne morem poslati) iz okoliških travnikov Osar ga (baje) imenujejo: In vedno hvaležna tema - tihožitje igor |
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njolo |
Registered Member #149
Joined: Friday 23 March 2007 - 07:45:18Posts: 386 |
Pozdravljeni! V nedeljo po dobrem letu ponovno obisk žirovske sore. Tokrat v družbi strica. Sredi nekoliko meglenega dopoldneva so se sončni žarli začeli prebijati, midva pa sva zabredla v vodo. Prve ugotovitve so bile da je rib precej manj kot lani. Deli kjer je lani mrgolelo manjših lipanov so bili dokaj prazni. Na moje začudenje pa se najdejo deli, kjer so očitno lanski lipani imeli kar lep letni prirastek in tudi kar številni so. Na moje veselje se je čez cel dan lepo lovilo na suho, sodelovali so lepi lipani okrog 40cm pa tudi potočnih je bilo nekaj. Presenetilo me je tudi to, da smo videli kar nekaj trofejnih potočnic. v večjem tolmunu je ena celo napadla zapetega lipane, ki ja bil prevelik zalogaj za njo (lipan 35, potočka pa 60+). Kar nekaj časa ga je grabila za glavo ter preko škržnih poklopcev in se zame sploh ni zmenila čeprav se je vse skupaj dogajalo le par metrov stran. Ko sem lipana pripeljal do sebe je bil kar solidno poškodovan in ne vem če danes še živi. Kaj tekega kje drugje kot na Idrijci še nisem doživel a tam napadajo soške, od potočnice kaj takega nisem pričakoval. Dan je minil kar prehitro, zvečer pa se je zelo ohladilo in skoka ni bilo. Vsekakor je bil to še en lep dan te sezone, ki je bo še prehitro konec. Dno je še vedno lepo rdeče... rdečepikica lipani so lepo zrasli, nekateri med njimi bodo naslednje leto že 45+ krokusi so me spomnili na prve spomladanske dni na reki... Lep pozdrav in dober prijem vsem! |
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