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Muharjenje v Sloveniji - Flyfishing in Slovenia :: Forums :: Muharjenje v Sloveniji [Flyfishing in Slovenia] :: Revirji [Flyfishing rivers and districts]
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Moderators: luckyluke
Author Post
Tuesday 23 May 2006 - 09:12:59
Registered Member #92
Joined: Tuesday 23 May 2006 - 09:07:41
Posts: 4

I would like to come in slovenia this week end, I know that sava bohjinka is still high, so not good for dry fly fishing, can you tell me where could be better for dry fly
Poljanska sora
Kamniska bistrica
thank you very much, but I have to drive for 600 km to arrive, and is really better to find good condition, your country however is really the best.
thank you very much
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Tuesday 23 May 2006 - 14:06:56

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Hey Gilberto, and welcome to our forum board!

Well, I think you can´t go wrong by choosing the Idrijca river- It is clear and its water level is normal. Fish are also active at the surface, so you should have a really great flyfishing day. Tomorrow we are expecting some rain (not heavy), so fishing can get even better at the end of the week

All other rivers are also o.k.- none of them is unfishable due to high or snowy waters, so you may decide for any of them, but in my opinion Idrijca won´t let you down You may choose the upper part of the river which is managed by the Idrija FC, or the lower one, managed by the Tolmin FC- and both are a good choice

If anyone is more familiar with the fishing conditions at other mentioned rivers, please let us know...

Thanks and tight lines
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Tuesday 23 May 2006 - 14:47:42
Registered Member #92
Joined: Tuesday 23 May 2006 - 09:07:41
Posts: 4
thank you
me too, I like the upper part of Idrjca, fantastic river, in a great valley, I never been in Kamniska, I think is a small river
can you give me some information?
thank you
I like also sava bohinka, the Institute of lubiana part, but unfortunately the fauna shop in bled say that is still too high and not good for dry fly fishing.
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Tuesday 23 May 2006 - 15:41:23

Registered Member #1
Joined: Wednesday 01 March 2006 - 19:08:50
Posts: 2578
Yes, Sava Bohinjka is a little higher at the moment, but I am not sure if it is still not fishable in its upper part (managed by Bohinj FC). Kamniska Bistrica is smaller in its upper part, but gets more water in its lower part, around the city Kamnik- it is full of graylings there, but you may also find some nice brownies upstream from there...

Maybe you will get some more info about Kamniska Bistrica and Sava Bohinjka from guys who are more familiar with these two rivers, but I think that water level is perfect at the Kamniska Bistrica right now, and licence is also not so expensive... (just take a look at my site for some basic info: povezava [link] )

Tight lines,
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